Wisconsin Judicial Recount–Time to join liberals in the gutter

Another close election has seen a conservative with a slight lead, only to have the liberal pull ahead at the eleventh hour.

Conservatives have seen this before. The future of our country will determine whether conservatives will grow a pair and join their leftist opponents in the gutter.

It is time for trench warfare. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Liberals win these close elections because they have mastered bloodlust. They are willing to win at all costs. Until conservatives finally grasp that the billy club liberals have in their hands is not for peaceful purposes, the left will win every close election.

JFK stole the 1960 presidential election from Richard Nixon.

Christine Gregoire stole the 2004 Washington State gubernatorial election from Dino Rossi.

Coincidentally, in 2010 in Washington Rossi lost again by less than a 51-49 margin. The loss was to Patty Murray in the senate race, and as always, shenanigans in King County made the difference. This is where Seattle is located. Surprise, surprise. Liberals got away with it again.

Al Franken stole the Minnesota senate seat from Norm Coleman. Coleman was ahead but that never mattered. “Minnesota nice” only existed for the GOP. Franken got downright Minnesota nasty. He got Minnesota mad dog mean. GOP Governor Tim Pawlenty properly recused himself. The Democrat Attorney General naturally did not. Once again, the left won.

The left tried to steal the 2000 election for Democrat Al Gore despite every single count showing that Republican George W. Bush won. Republican Governor Jeb Bush stayed out of it, putting integrity above his own brother. The Democrat Attorney General had no such qualms.

So why did the left fail to overturn that race? What was the difference between Election 2000 and every other race where a photo finish automatically means a Democratic victory?

Republicans saved George W. Bush and stopped Gore’s attempt to hijack the White House by doing the one thing they are normally terrified of doing.

Conservatives acted like liberals. The right gave the left a dose of their own medicine.

When Al Gore tried to have a selective recount only in four counties that were heavily Democratic, Republicans made sure that the process slowed to a crawl. We challenged every single ballot.

In 2011, Republicans hold a slim 4-3 lead in the Wisconsin judiciary. Yet if liberal Democrat Kloppenburg is able to topple conservative Republican Prosser, the rule of law in Wisconsin will cease to exist. Governor Scott Walker will see his completely legal attempt to restrict collective bargaining rights for public sector union thugs turn to ashes. Faster than a 2000 Florida Supreme Court Justice, the Wisconsin Supreme Court will become led by 4 kangaroos with no agenda other than savaging Governor Walker’s agenda for sport.

Kloppenburg has 50.01% of the vote to Prosser’s 49.99%. She leads by 204 votes out of over one million cast. If Prosser had been ahead, we know what the left would do. The only solution is to give the leftist union bullies a taste of their own medicine. They decided to attack the non-controversial Prosser to take down Governor Walker. Well it is time to let Ms. Kloppenburg be the only collateral damage in this fight.

It is time to join liberals in the gutter.

Every single ballot should be looked at. Every single Kloppenburg vote should be challenged. If Kloppenburg’s relatives voted for her, challenge it.

Republicans should drag this out deep into 2012. That way the unions will be forced to spend money in Wisconsin that they could be spending trying to subvert the rule of law nationwide.

Think of it as Ronald Reagan taking on Gorbachev and the Soviet Union. The only solution was to outspend them, bankrupt them, and break them.

Today’s leftists are just as determined and just as destructive. If the right truly cares, they will force the left to use every last dime on this race. Then we pass laws restricting union corruption in as many states as possible simultaneously. To paraphrase screaming Howard Dean, we will see them in Washington…and Michigan…and everywhere else.

If the left wants to see what their animalistic version of democracy looks like, let’s show them.

If Kloppenburg is going to take this seat, it has to be after so much emotional pain for her supporters that they are unable to focus on another election as long as they live and breathe.

At this point some will ask “but what if she won fair and square?”

There is nothing fair about decades of leftist abuse of the electoral system. If they can’t handle taking it, then stop dishing it out.

If she won, let her prove it after recounts, court battles, and recall elections. If she gets seated, let’s target the other 3 liberals on the court for recall. File petitions demanding that the liberals on the court recuse themselves from hearing any cases related to the collective bargaining law. Kloppenburg would have a conflict of interest since her very election would be related to the law.

Maybe the 3 conservative justices can simply flee to Chicago to prevent any cases from being heard ever again.

No, this is not what Democracy looks like. It is what the left has done to destroy democracy.

Now they have to pay.

If this is more about vengeance than justice, just remember that the entire existence of the left is based on revenge. They lose an election, so they flee and refuse to serve. They lose the vote, so they attack an innocent judge for sport.

No matter how the Wisconsin Supreme Court rules on the collective bargaining law, the Supreme Court will support Governor Walker by a 5-4 margin.

This is because Republicans a decade ago for once in their lives fought liberals tooth and nail and beat them at their own game. We saved the presidency and the judiciary.

It is time to preserve a conservative judicial seat and the rule of law itself. If the means to get to those ends happen to worry people, well this is what liberalism has wrought.

Conservatives must win this judicial recount at any and all costs.

Otherwise, when a liberal president appoints Kloppenburg to the United States Supreme Court with a new liberal majority, conservatives will not be able to prevent the left from stealing every presidential election from now on.

The left wants to get bloody. It is time to join them in the gutter.

The liberal union bullies have thrown their last sucker punch. It is time to hit back hard.


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