Liberals rally for the sake of rallying

Several years ago Saturday Night Live had a hilarious skit (every few years they have one, due to the law of averages) featuring Matthew McConaughey leading a meeting of anti-war protesters. While the purpose of the meeting was to protest the War in Iraq, every liberal interest group came with their own agenda, from gay rights to the environment. When one man yells out “legalize porn,” an exasperated McConaughey points out that it already is legal. The man responds, “Not the kind I like!”

This is today’s liberal Democrats.

On August 28th, 2010, Glenn Beck held a rally at the Capitol steps. The theme of the rally was “Restoring Honor.”

The rally brought 500,000 people to DC. The crowd was peaceful and polite. It was a love-in. When it was over the streets were cleaner than before the rally began.

Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and others spoke about leading more honorable lives, and loving God and our neighbors.

Who could possibly object to such a gathering?


Since Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are conservatives, everything they do must be invalidated and demonized.

There was nothing to criticize about this rally. It was an overwhelmingly positive development. Yet since conservatives organized the rally, it had to be bad.

Liberals could have organized such a rally. They chose not to do so. It is easier to tear others down than build people up.

Liberalism is the anti-ideology. It stands for nothing but hatred of conservatives. Democrats are the anti-party, existing to hate Republicans and nothing more.

One does not have to agree with conservative Republicans, but at least they stand for something. Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin truly believe in the cause of a more honorable society. The left cannot credibly attack that message, so they try to destroy the messengers through ridicule. The alternative approach of liberals holding a rally to discuss honor is a foreign concept.

On October 2nd, 2010, liberals held a rally at the Capitol to preach “national unity” and “coming together.”

It was just another collection of leftist beggars engaging in a hatefest of conservatives.

When conservatives hold a rally, it is because of a cause. The rally has a point. The Tea party movement, which is basically disaffected conservatives, is obsessed with reducing out of control government spending. That is it.

So what was the leftist rally a couple of days ago about?

For some it was government run health care. For others it was abortion. For yet others it was environmental. Even more came to support looser immigration laws. Others supported the Palesimians right to destroy Israel.

When a rally is about everything, it is about nothing. Since there is only one uniting factor, the left inevitably rallies about that. This is why the signs at the Restoring Honor rally were positive. What were the signs at the leftist unity rally?

One said “Tax the rich and end the wars.”

Another read “Billions for jobs, not occupation. End U.S. aid to Israel.”

Another read “Chri$tianity = Pagani$m = Heathen$ = Nazism.”

The speeches spewing bile at conservatives flowed. Ed Schultz is not known for treating political opponents with human decency.

Conservatives do not despise liberals. We despise terrorists. We support killing them. On business matters, we favor tax cuts. We do not care who receives those cuts.

Liberals have a frothing hatred for conservatives because it distracts from the cold hard truth that without conservatives, they would turn inward and destroy each other in the same way Arabs badmouth Israel but thank the heavens for its existence and the Palesimian misery.

Like Arab nations barely containing heir contempt for each other, the greeniacs, animal rights activists, black separatists, white union workers, illegal immigrants, gay marriage advocates, and anti-war, anti-Semitic  Code Pinkos tolerate each other just long enough to hate Republicans before going back to clawing each other to death. They are united by a negative, which prevents anything positive.

Now Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are holding rallies the day before Halloween. Stewart is holding the “Rally to Restore Sanity” while Colbert wants to “Keep Fear Alive.”

In other words, Stewart is calling the Beck supporters insane and Colbert is accusing them of spreading fear.

What about leading honorable lives is insane or fearmongering?

If liberals can show an ounce of honesty (well they would not be liberals), they would concede that despite their loathing of the messengers, the message was overwhelmingly positive in its tone and result. People came away inspired, vowing to love their children and neighbors more.

Stewart and Colbert emphatically deny that Glenn Beck had nothing to do with their rally, which was not in any way a counter-rally. Bill Clinton wagged his finger years earlier, so liberal protesting (about protests no less) rings hollow.

Of course these rallies are meant to mock Beck. What would one expect Stewart to do, offer something constructive to society?

One could ask why liberals don’t just hold a rally preaching honor without attacking the other side.

Liberals don’t do this. They can’t. Hatred of the right is their form of crack.

Besides, their rallies reflect what they truly believe. Atheists and Agnostics are hip and cool while those believing in Monotheism are unenlightened dolts, in addition to being zealots.

Jon Stewart epitomizes the obnoxious secularism of the left, branding religious people as zealots when it is the secularists wishing to demonize everyone else.

This is why the left could never do a Restoring Honor rally. They find the idea of preaching about God to be noxious.

That is why they need to destroy Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. Those two individuals could lead a blood drive and the left would carp, because anything positive they could possibly do needs to be obliterated before public opinion comes to the conclusion that Beck, Palin, and most religious people are simply good human beings who really do believe in loving their neighbors and strengthening families.

Whether done with anger or humor (or what liberals like Stewart consider humor when not calling Harry Truman and George W. Bush war criminals), the end result is the same.

The left needs to tear everything down because building something up is not what they do.

A positive rally about loving people, even conservatives?

They would not even try.

They would not know how.

They just rally for the sake of rallying, convinced that they matter.

The Restoring Honor rally changed many lives for the better.

Only those incapable of and unwilling to offer a positive vision could denounce such a beautiful event bringing out the best in humanity.

Let the liberals rally. They are preaching to each other, and at some point will admit that even they are not listening or believing what they say.


6 Responses to “Liberals rally for the sake of rallying”

  1. Micky 2 says:

    Here’s your pictures with date stamps. Oh, and be sure tocheck out the video of how trashed the mall was after the 10/2 rally.

  2. I have to admit, I expected the “Restoring Honor” rally to be a rightwing political hate-fest, b!tching and moaning about how gays, and blacks, and Mexicans, and liberals, and anyone even slightly to the left of John Birch are “destroying America.” On the other hand, the event was billed as a “support the troops” sort of thing, so I also thought that it may be just no more than that.

    Needless to say here… I was astonished to see what it turned out to be. It was this wierd Christian/Nationalist revival pep rally. A “call to come back to God.” Really, really wierd. To this day, I have no idea what to make of it. Is Glenn Beck the new Billy Graham? Father Coughlin? Jimmy Swaggart? I didn’t even know Beck was clergy!

    It was just plain wierd.

    What is “honorable” and what is not is relative. I find nothing “honorable” in cutting taxes for the rich getting much richer in a time of war and budget deficits, but hey, that’s just me. On the other hand, I was disappointed, though not surprised, to see the disrespect the “One Nation” crowd showed the Capitol. I’d like to take a piss on the steps of the Hill right now.

    I have no idea what our good host thinks the left wants to “tear down,” just as I have no idea what the right wants to “take back.”

    I think what we have here is a time in our history when the public is genuinely confused about what is happening around them. They don’t know who or what to blame for their woes. The right blames the government for doing too much and too little, and the left blames the government for doing too little and too much.

    All I can discern is that neither polarity has it right. It seems to me that most people are simply too stupid to see things for what they are rather than what they want to think them to be.


  3. Micky 2 says:

    “On the other hand, I was disappointed, though not surprised, to see the disrespect the “One Nation” crowd showed the Capitol. I’d like to take a piss on the steps of the Hill right now.”

    gives a whole new spin on “the piss process”

    Moonbats preach love of earth and peace. But hey, they can just ignore that when it didnt work

  4. Micky, I may be a liberal, but I’m a liberal that would gladly stick my foot up the @$$ of a scumbag. Peace and love my @$$.


  5. Micky 2 says:

    Still Jersey.
    The fact remains that of the twenty plus organizations booked to show up at this joke who side with gerbil warming environmentalism etc were nothing more than a bunch of hypocritical slobbolas who think its always someone elses job to clean up their sht.
    That includes you, who would be so gutless so as to piss on our countrys memorials before putting your foot anywhere near anyones a$$ but instead your mouth.

  6. Toma says:

    I have tried to post but the site won’t let me. I don’t know why. I won’ bother with it any more. Bye ya’ll

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