The Pelosiraptor and the Ground Zero Mosque

In an effort to spread a worldwide Caliphate, Radical Muslims are trying to build a mosque at Ground Zero.

In an effort to spread liberal hegemony and defeat conservatism, the Pelosiraptor is assisting them.

The mosque must be stopped. So must the Pelosiraptor.

It is so hard to tell the Jihadists from the leftists. They both have the goal of eradicating American society and replacing it with their own version of utopia. They both know that this is their last and best chance for victory. Once conservative retake the country, both of them are done, at least in the short run.

The Pelosiraptor  is trying to save her speakership. In a desperate attempt to try and intimidate opponents of the mosque, she is now talking about investigating those who are against the mosque.

She is claiming that she just wants to know where the money is coming from. She wants to know who is funding the opposition.

She sounds so reasonable in her own mind, but let’s get to the truth. Her goal is not transparency or disclosure. It is about harassing and intimidating political opponents. This is what she does.

When the Tea Party movement became effective, she started accusing them of violence and racism, even though mainstream Tea Party attendees repeatedly disavowed both of those approaches. She never called out the violence and the racism on the left, which was captured for all to see. The left got caught doing it, but were excused. The right was accused of doing it but was never caught.

If Nancy Pelosi really wants transparency and disclosure, then let’s make it fair and equal, since liberals love fairness and equality.

Everybody on both sides of the mosque controversy should be disclosed.

She wants no part of that. Nobody on the left does. She does not want to find out that the proponents of the mosque are being funded by entities who hate America’s guts. Hamas, Hezbollah, and George Soros could very well have their hands all over this.

(Thank you Rush Limbaugh for calling it the “Hamasque.”)

Who is most likely funding the opposition? For one thing, 9/11 victims.

One group who has admitted being against the mosque is the Anti-Defamation League. This is important because when Abe Foxman and liberal Jew actually grow a pair and stand up for something, then you know it is serious. They support virtually everything the left says and does. If you do not have the ADL on your left side, you are in trouble.

I would be happy to pit 9/11 victims and many in the Jewish community against Arab terrorists any day.

I say let’s get a bipartisan commission together right now. Everything should be publicized on television. Every single dollar should be traced from every single source.

The Pelosiraptor does not want this fight, not in a million years.

The left is getting so desperate that they want to tell the right not to “politicize” the mosque. We should be “principled.”

I oppose this mosque on principle. Republicans should not even think of backing down on this one. This mosque should be in every campaign commercial.

The left will accuse us of being divisive. Wrong. The Radical Islamists and their “peaceful” supporters of this mosque are trying to divide America, and the left are letting them due to a common goal of hating American conservatives.

Let the left enable the terrorists. Yes, I said it. They are enablers. I will side with the 9/11 victims.

On this issue, the right is right, and the left is embarrassingly and disgustingly wrong. As is typical with the Pelosiraptor, they are dishonestly wrong.

They want us to back off because we have the ability to club their heads with this issue.

Conservatives need to start clubbing now. Club early, often and repeatedly.

Defeating this mosque is right on every level.

The left wants President George W. Bush to rescue Barack Obama by defending him. That just reinforces his rock solid credibility on the issue of terrorism, which we can now all globally admit he possesses.

My message to the Pelosiraptor on this phony issue of transparency is the same message the Dub gave the terrorists.



12 Responses to “The Pelosiraptor and the Ground Zero Mosque”

  1. “Radical Muslims are trying to build a mosque at Ground Zero.”

    They don’t seem “radical.” What makes you say they are “radical?”

    “Hamas, Hezbollah, and George Soros could very well have their hands all over this.”

    “Could” they? Again, what makes you say this?


  2. Micky 2 says:

    ““Could” they? Again, what makes you say this?’

    Well, so far this group that supports the idea of us being an accomplice in the murder of 3000 Americans has only come up with 18,000.00 towards the project.
    So, its not too far a strecth to imagine they might go to some radical subsidiaries to get the rest. Especially since this taxpayer funded middle eastern trip has a stipulation that there will be no activities allowed that could accrue Mosque funding. (yeah, right)
    In addition, they’re not being very forthcoming at all in giving us any speculation or even a hint as to how they’ll get the rest of the money or where from.
    This Imam was on Bushs payroll also but never even entertained the idea of something so stupid as this idea during that term and was probably just bait, or an enemy being kept closer than friends.
    If these morons really are building this Mosque as some sort of Kumbaya temple then they should listen to the majority of Americans who support their 1st amendment but just wish they’d not do it there. But they’re insisting still, even after offers to use fed property have been presented.
    Makes you go “Hmmm..” So, no, its not inconcievable to think they’ll use dirty money
    Its that simple.
    Yeah, the right, politicians and citizens alike have politicized this but for totally different reasons than the left. Pelosi and Obama vs Reid is the perfect example of this difference. Not til she realized the flubs on their part did she fill the void liberals were looking for by calling for an investigation into Americans exercising their 1st amendment rights.

  3. Micky 2 says:

    Just the thought of building it so close in the face of massive opposition is very much in step with “radical Islam”

  4. Well, I still think you’re all acting like a bunch of psychos over this, but certainly if any nefarious group (I think of George Soros as nefarious, but I also don’t think and can’t imagine why he’d take any interest in funding a Mosque/community center) gets involved in this then the government could, at that point, legally and contitutionally intervene. Just the same, I read bout the group beind this and they seem like a nice bunch and they prorbably could raise the money but just haven’t made the offer back to Con-Ed yet. I hope, Micky, that you’ve read something, anything, about this from reputable source and not just rightwing psychotics.


  5. Oops – I DON’T think of Soros as nefarious!


  6. blacktygrrrr says:

    First he says Soros is nefarious, then he says he isn’t. You see, he is waffling! First John Kerry was for it then he was against it. Same with Obama.

    Stand for something for once and stick to it!

    Just kidding. This is what a precious few minutes of free time does for me. Ok, done feigning outrage for the moment. Back to work.

    eric :)

  7. Micky 2 says:

    “Well, I still think you’re all acting like a bunch of psychos over this, but certainly if any nefarious group ‘

    Hey, were not the calling for investigations into Americans exercising their rights.
    Its not the first time this idiot Albatross has done this either.

    Tell me Jersey, you’re a man of the world. When you look at Pelosi do you see a woman whos all there ?
    Personally, from my experience, in all sincerety, I’d say its a Valium dependency.
    Shes as close as I’ve ever seen a human come to looking like a bobble head

  8. Micky 2 says:

    ‘ read bout the group beind this and they seem like a nice bunch and they prorbably could raise the money but just haven’t made the offer back to Con-Ed yet. ”

    In my experience a good business man doesnt announce an opening of anything (on the 10th anniversary of 911) until hes got his backing in order.
    maybe they could pull a Barry, like with Obamacare, and have all the leasees pay 3 or 4 years rent in advance.
    nah, they know it wont go up. They’re just punks screwing with us.

  9. LOL! Eric just couldn’t resist that one! Glad to give you a laugh, my friend. ;)

    Micky, personally, I think Pelosi is being idiotic about that. I was just pointing out that contrary to the opnion of our good host (in, I believe, a prior post) she is not calling for an investigation of the “9/11 families,” but rather just who’s funding some of the political attack machine that has been assembled in the name of this issue. Just the same, I still think it’s idiotic – but that’s a world away from draging the families of the victims 9/11 into all this.

    As for Pelosi herself? Honestly? I see a rather typical old Baby Boomer (pre-Baby Boomer, really), mainstream, big-D, bla-bla-bla Democrat. Nothing new to see there. Why all you guys see her as this “raptor” of a radical woman is beyond me. I’ve known stoics more radical than Pelosi. She’s a run-of-the-mill politician at worst, but that is still saying something. She did make it to Speaker, after all. She’s obviously very smart, a policy wonk, a real Machiavellian. She’s also, to me, anyway, about as interesting and original as a re-run of Bonanza. I kinda like her, I suppose. She reminds me of some people in my life from growing up where I did. But I’m not a huge fan or anything, and I certainly do not believe she’s beyond making stupid mistakes, just like the rest of us. That’s my personal opinion.

    From what I understand about the developer, like any developer, they’re looking for backing. Developers don’t just throw their money at a project unless they think they can make a buck out of it, even if the buck is ostensibly for charity or whatever. If you understand the “good business man” and you ever dealt with or so much as read about real estate developers, you should know that.


  10. Toma says:

    The intent of the backers of this Mosque was to create as much division as possible and demonstrate the obvious distrust, dislike, anti-Muslem sentiment that has spread through-out this country and the globe since 9/11. Almost all of this negative sentiment has been created by and is being sustained by the Muslem community around the world.

    The actual result of this ploy has been to unite people who are not followers of Islam. So the ploy has failed to the point of achieving the opposite. Unless, of cource, that is their goal. A united enemy. It is easier to recruit when the enemy is well defined.

    Pelosi is a proven air-head, or a bobble head as Mick put it. Her gut need (an obsession perhaps) to harm people she don’t like is her only motivation for her so-called investigation. She is doing it because she can and that is what she does.

    And eric is right this stinks of Soros.


  11. Actually, Toma, this project was proposed last year, and I don’t recall anyone, right or left, making a big deal of it. I really believe these guys when they say they just wanted to make a little peace between the Moslem Orient and the West. Sounds nice to me.

    As for George Soros – you guys need some meds. The guy is harmless. He seems rather smart, right? After all, in accordance with your way of looking at things, he isn’t “successful” for nothing, right? He’s the “productive capitalist” you cons should love, right?


  12. Micky 2 says:

    “but rather just who’s funding some of the political attack machine that has been assembled in the name of this issue. Just the same, I still think it’s idiotic – but that’s a world away from draging the families of the victims 9/11 into all this.’

    Uhh, the 911 victims and families have been organized for almost 9 years now.
    She knows exactly who shes talking about.
    The overwhelming majority of Americans think this is really bad idea without being funded ever.

    ” If you understand the “good business man” and you ever dealt with or so much as read about real estate developers, you should know that.”

    I own and have run far more businesses than you in addition to being raisedcamong some of the most controversial real estate developements in the country.
    You dont announce your openings if you cant even say when you’ll break ground.
    DUHHH !

    Good grief, you dont need to be damn rocket surgeon or read any of your crap to figure that one out

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