Meeting Senator John Cornyn

At the 2009 Republican Jewish Coalition leadership meeting in Fort Lauderdale, I had the pleasure of meeting Texas Senator John Cornyn.

Senator Cornyn introduced me to his communications person, and at some point I will interview him. He is a very likable man, and I loved his commercial where he wore a ten gallon hat and rode a horse, as a deep voice in the background sang, “Big Bad John.”

He is also one of the key Republican Senators responsible for helping Republicans retake the Senate. His main role at the conference was to discuss political strategy.

With that, I bring the remarks of Texas Senator John Cornyn.

“I see Senator Norjm Coleman in the audience. Norm Coleman is one of my heroes. 225 votes separate Al Franken and Norm Coleman. That means that 225 votes separate Al Franken and America.”

“If Mitch McConnell were the Majority Leader, you would not see card check legislation or this turkey of a budget.”

“Nobody can deny President Obama’s charm and articulateness, but people are scratching their head looking at what he learned from this election.”

“With regards to terrorists, using video diplomacy only demonstrates weakness and naivete. It is like Democrats didn’t learn from 9/11.”

“We cannot have four years of a president stuck in a pre-9/11 mentality.”

“We have been given opportunities, strangely enough, by losing the White House. We have opportunities in New York, Illinois, Delware, and Colorado. In New York, Hillary Clinton gave up her seat to become Secretary of State, creating an opening. Representative Peter King and former Governor Pataki are considering running. This chance came about due to another bungled appointment by the Democrats. As much as I hate to praise him, Republicans need to learn from Chuck Schumer. He found a pro-life Democrat who sleeps with a gun underneath her bed.This is a great example of choosing targeted candidates from specific areas.”

In Illinois, Obviously Barack Obama is now President. As for his successor, what can I say? Thank you Governor Blagoyevich and Roland Burris. Who could have imagined this? Bill Daley is trying to play cleanup and run, but nobody there seems separate from the corruption.”

“In Delaware, Joe Biden’s chief of staff his holding the seat as a placeholder until his son Beau Biden reutrns from Iraq. We respect Beau Biden’s service, but Americans do not want dynasties.Two term Governor Castle will be a formidable opponent.”

In Colorado, Ken Salazar left to join the Obama cabinet. His replacement is an inexperienced superintendent.”

“Kansas is very winnable. Governor Sebelius was the only viable Democrat, and with her joining the Obama administration, that seat should revert back to the Republicans.”

“In New Hampshire, losing John Sununu was a big loss. Judd Greeg saw the how hollow bipartisanship claims are with this administration. Judd Gregg saw this on the census issue and on the budget. The Democrats offer Paul Hodus, who is an ultra-liberal.”

“In Ohio, George Voinovich is retiring. Congressman Rob Portman is running. On the Democratic side, there is plenty of bloodletting among several candidates.”

“In Missouri, Kit Bond is retiring. Roy Blount is running. Yet the Democrats have Robin Carnahan running. She will be tough. She is the daughter of former Governor Mel Carnahan, who was running for the Senate when he died in that plane crash. Her mother Jean Carnahan filled the Senate seat.”

“In Kansas, Sam Brownback is running for Governor. As I said earlier, Governor Sebelius is becoming the head of the Department of Health and Human Services. That is a good job for her. She was the only viable Democrat for that senate seat.”

“In Florida, Mel Martinez is retiring after one term. Former Governor Jeb Bush would have been formidable, and he did seriously consider running. However, he said no. Governor Charlie Crist is uncommitted, but he is the leading candidate at this time. Multimillionaire Alex Sink decided not to run on the Democratic side. That is good for us. She would have been very tough.”

“Can you say the word Connecticut? Nobody thought we would be talking about Connecticut, but thanks to CHris Dodd’s travails, the state is in play. I personally like him, but he lost touch with his constituents. He moved his entire family to Iowa to run for President. That does not send a warm and fuzzy message to his constituents in Connecticut. He literally moved out of the state.”

“In Nevada, Harry Reid’s numbers are pretty bad. Majority Leaders never used to be targeted, but that has changed. We could have a repeat of 2004, when Tom Daschle was taken down by John Thune.”

“We must raise money. We must support our candidates. In 2008, in Oregon, Gordon Smith raised 11 million dollars for his reelction. His Democratic opponent only raised six million. Yet the Democrats raised 154 million while the GOP raised only 91 million. That was enough to offset the financial advantage that Gordon Smith had, leading to his very narrow defeat.”

Senator Cornyn has a very clear head, and he has laid out a very clear map. It will not be easy, but as he reminded us, we have to do our part. As I told him, I will do my part, because I know he will do his. If I were the Democrats, I would be concerned.

Pretty soon, like the Senator from Texas, the GOP will be standing tall in the saddle.

Don’t mess with Big Bad John.


7 Responses to “Meeting Senator John Cornyn”

  1. Oh man! That “Big John” commercial was hysterical!!! I can’t believe you didn’t link it! “You’re doin’ God’s work for Texas,” “you enoy a good brew,” ROTFLMAO!!!! I eam, COME ON!!! Ya’ just can’t make stuff like this up – unless, of course, you’re John Cornyn.

    “Americans do not want dynasties” LOL!!!

    Texas, you are truly America’s @$$. LOL!!!


  2. blacktygrrrr says:


    Excellent point. I did not add the video. I simply forgot. It is now added.

    eric :)

  3. You have to admit – that has got to be the funniest campaign video of ALL time!


  4. Toma says:

    I don’t know John Cronyn but if he is conservative I will probably like him. I do like what he had to say. Which brings up a point that I have been pondering for a while.

    Am I a Conservative Republican? (Or What?)

    I am a registered Republican voter and I have never voted for a Democrat in any National election. Does this brand me a “Conservative Republican”? Should I get a tattoo?

    During a recent exchange (debate) on a blog site a professed liberal commentator referred to me as “neocon”. I believe this means “New Conservative”. Although I am closer to “paleocon” and “Old Conservative”. There is nothing new in me unless you count my teeth they are less than 5 years old. A conservative, whether neo or paleo, is considered archaic or down right loony by those who see themselves as “Progressive Thinkers” as liberals like to call themselves. Liberals love euphemisms, which is the “art” of changing the name of something to make it sound better or different or less offensive or more useful, aka “politically correct”, aka “double speak”. I like to call it deceit. See what I mean? I’ve been told I’m in need of “serious psychiatric help” when I have expressed my “conservative opinion”. I’ve been called paranoid because I own fire arms and have a real fear the Democrats will try to disarm my household. So, am I archaic, loony and paranoid? Do I need a tattoo? And who are the “liberals”? What is liberal? All I know about liberals is I disagree with almost everything the “liberals” say and almost all of their ideas. But are my “conservative” ideas and opinions really archaic, loony and paranoid?

    I read conservative opinion writers and usually agree with their thoughts. My favorite conservative sources are “Town Hall” and “American Thinker”. I visit other sources some are considered “Liberal” but these are sites I visit almost daily. My favorite writers are Thomas Sowell, Charles Krauthammer, Michelle Malkin, Larry Elder. These writers contribute regularly and are considered “Conservative Opinion Writers”. After some research I find the only writer in the group who is actually Republican is Michelle.

    Michelle Malkin, “I have never voted for a Democrat in my life.” I remember her saying during a spot on “Fox News”. Michelle is Filipino by the way. She has been called Asian but says, “I’m not Asian, I’m American for goodness sake”. I agree with her opinions and ideas and read her articles regularly. Maybe I’ll get a Filipino tattoo?

    Charles Krauthammer, former Democrat, considers himself an Independent. During an interview Charles was asked why he left the Democratic Party, his response, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, It left me”. Also considers himself “Not Religious”. I agree with his opinions and believe he is one of the smartest people on the planet.

    Thomas Sowell, Libertarian, former Marxist. Considered the “Black Conservative” although he does not like labels and considers himself more libertarian than conservative. I agree with his opinions and enjoy his “Random Thoughts” pieces.

    Larry Elder, Libertarian, but considers himself libertarian with a little “l”. Not a solid supporter of the Libertarian Party. He also is black. I agree with his opinions and read his articles regularly.

    I consider these writers very good expresser of “Conservative Political and Social Thought”. Are they also archaic, loony and paranoid? Do they need a tattoo?

    So, of my favorite writers, two are Libertarian, one is Independent, one is Republican. Therefore I must be one half Libertarian, one quarter Independent, one quarter Republican. Following this logic I have more Libertarian blood in me than Republican. Therefore, I should consider myself Conservative Libertarian with some Independent and Republican tendencies. Are you following? I haven’t lost you yet? Well, I’m becoming a little confused.

    I have gone from anchored in Conservative Republicanism to an olio of isms. I have never paid much attention to the tenets of Independents or Libertarians. What are these isms all about any way?

    Should I be concerned that I agree with the ideas of two Libertarian black guys, one Independent not religious guy and a Republican Filipino woman? And what exactly does this say about my ideas, my political philosophy? Well, I’m not concerned. What it says is their ism is the same as my ism. My political philosophy is no different from theirs. It must be Independentlibertarianrepublicanism. Conservative, of course.

    I’m proud to say Our Isms are well documented: Free market capitalism, personal responsibilityism, less governmentism, strong militarism and a sprinkling of socialism. Conservatism part is simply, in most cases I can take care of myself if the government will just let me. If I’m archaic, loony and paranoid I think I’m in good company.

    You can brand me anything but Democrat. I cannot and/or will not be aligned with George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama, or the organization and policies they and their comrades are promoting. Just a thought here, do the people who voted for Obama know they elected George Soros? Ohhh, I get it, they don’t care!!

    Being an Independentlibertarianrepublican, I don’t like how the Democrats, Liberals, Progressive Thinkers, or what ever they want to call themselves, treat me. It is as simple as that.

    Lenin called me “useful idiot”, Marx called me “Proletariat”, Liberal Democrats call me archaic, loony, paranoid or someone who “just don’t care”.

    So, what are you? If you are not a “Progressive Thinker”, “Liberal Democrat” then what category are you in? I’m soooo undecided about what tattoo I should get.

    Thanks Eric!


  5. Micky 2 says:

    “Therefore, I should consider myself Conservative Libertarian with some Independent and Republican tendencies. Are you following? I haven’t lost you yet? Well, I’m becoming a little confused.”

    Thats Okay, as long as theres no dem in you, you’ll be just fine.

    “You can brand me anything but Democrat. I cannot and/or will not be aligned with George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama, ”

    As Krauthamer said, the dem party left him, he did not leave it.
    These clowns above that you mentioned are exact examples of idiots simply running under a title that 50 years ago represented a whole nuther belief system and set of values.
    Today they’re simply considered by me to be power brokers with nothing in mind except to broker that power to themselves so that they can exercise it in some narcissistic way that cause them to think they are loved.
    They like to convince folks that they are or have been screwed by painting an enemy or situation thats not there while already having the manufactured answer to that problem in their back pocket waiting to spring it on you once you’re convinced that the source of the problem is anyone but them and they are the only one that can help you.
    This method has been going round and round and has been perfected for about 50 years now accomplishing nothing but to feed their own egos into thinking they’re worth something to society.

    Just make sure your tattoo says “I’m anything but a democrat”
    That way when the revolution comes about you wont get thrown on a raft and shipped to Cuba

  6. I don’t know what party left Krauthammer thinks left him – the party of George Wallace? I always wonder when I hear people say say things like “I didn’t leave the party, they left me.” What? Does he miss the Dixiecrats? Does he really think we’re dumb enough to believe he loved JFK just because he cut the marginal rate once a little bit (to a rate much, much, much higher than we have today). What a phony assertion.

    And Toma, it’s very simple – Pat Buchanan = Paleocon. William Kristol = Neocon. Big difference.

    And “Progressive” refers to Keynesian ahderents who believe in humanistic, environmentally friendly development through public investment and tolerance of minorities and liberal social change. “Liberals,” by American standards, are just people who are very tolerant of minorities and progressive social change. You can be one and not necessarily the other. There are liberals who are not all that progressive, and there are progressives who are not all that liberal. It’s a matter of balance. The same thing goes for conservatives. You can be a conservative and be firmly anti-free trade, or not.

    What always gets me is the way people mistake the parties for liberals and conservatives. They’re not. they’re political parties whose priorities change with the winds of campaign contributions, profit and corruption. The parties are not for you – they’re for the corporatocracy. To me, any who “never voted for a republican” or “never voted for a democrat” is a moron. I’ve split tickets my whole life. Only one election, ever, did I vote a straight ticket. One thing many liberals and conservatives have in common – we’d rather the government do nothing than do something stupid. If the last one-oparty state didn’t teach you that, than you’re never going to learn.


  7. Micky 2 says:

    “And “Progressive” refers to …… bla bla bla

    Progressive means they change the rules as things progress, thats all that means.
    They progress onto whatever set of positions fits the agenda they want to approach at the time.
    Its just a platform to run on that allows for hypocrisy without having to admit to it.

    “You can be a conservative and be firmly anti-free trade, or not.”

    Yea right.
    The cornerstone of todays conservative is free trade and limited government intervention.
    The more the government sticks its nose in it, the less free it is.
    rRght now the conservative party is working on an identification that others can grasp and free trade is one of the main selling points.


    ” If the last one-oparty state didn’t teach you that, than you’re never going to learn.”

    Yea, you learned so well that you’ll allow it to happen again with the dems on a scale a thousand times larger ?

    Man, you’re getting better and better at knocking yourself

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