God Bless Major Andrew Olmsted

Today I will be relaxing, watching the NFL Playoffs and the Presidential debates.

Army Major Andrew Olmsted will not have that luxury. He was killed in Iraq on January 3rd, 2008.

He was a military blogger, and I only learned about him an hour ago. People on his blog happened to check out mine. Let’s just say that what he did was far more important than anything I write about.

It is for this reason that I want people to learn everything about this man. He did his job with honor, and he blogged with a humanity that only somebody deeply committed to his situation can write about.

May God bless his family, and may his writings live on forever.

I will go to my grave believing the Iraq War was…and is…the right thing to do.


Major Olmsted made the world a better place, and his fellow soldiers are still doing so.

With that, I bring you the blogging of Major Andrew Olmsted.

God bless you Major.




No Responses to “God Bless Major Andrew Olmsted”

  1. […] post at A Newt One on Major Olmsted.  Also check out Tiger’s tribute to Major Olmsted, here. Major Andrew Olmsted […]

  2. Jersey McJones says:

    I’ve read his blog before. He seemed like a nice fellow and an exemplary soldier.


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