My June Hate Mail

While May was my best month for hate mail in terms of quantity, it was also good in terms of quality. In addition to leftists and Paulbots, Syrians and Frenchies also went after me.

June offers a more traditional batch of hate mail, that being more idiocy from Paulbots. These people claim to be original thinkers, yet they are automatons who all think and act the same way. They claim they want liberty, yet seem to think that means using foul language.

It needs to be said. The Paulbots for the most part are a bunch of savage baboons. My hate mail says it all. enjoy.

“Andy Patrick
[email protected]

Warmonger, Neocon, ZIONIST, there will come a day when JESUS will roast your ugly ASS !”

Analysis: Paubots deny the anti-Semitism in their movement. Most of the would not find the above comment anti-Semitic. Bigot is as bigot does.

[email protected]

Can you tell me the difference between ignorant and stupid?

[email protected]

Are you an idiot ore just ignorant prick go and f yourself moron

[email protected]

were you born retarded or did you suffer a brain casualty somewhere down the road? What an imbecilic writer(?) you are.”

Analysis: Can’t any of you count to three? Are you such lazy slobs that everything comes down to only two choices? Even three badly spelled epithets would be an improvement for these miscreants.

“steve frank
[email protected]

Which cereal box did you get your journalism degree from? (yes, it's a serious question)”

Analysis: Why Lucky Charms of course. After all, taking hallucinogens allows me to see red hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers, blue diamonds, and purple horseshoes. Oh wait, never mind. That would be Paulbots.” Someone should tell them that serious questions do not have to be announced as such.

“Willard Romney
[email protected]

y u no lyke ron paul?”

Analysis: The fake email address says it all. This is why Romney is the nominee while Paulbots have this individual. This is not only an anti-drug commercial but a great reason to support Ronmey.

“Eric Golub
[email protected]

Fuck You”

Analysis: Now this is original. Paulbots are as civilized as ever. This fellow pretending to be me should make love to himself. It would be much cheaper.

[email protected]

Mitt Romney has an identical foreign policy. KILL, KILL, KILL. Your a bastard for not standing up for freedom and America!
How could you possibly know what or how a "Ron Paul fan" would feel with out ever being one to love their country enough
to not flush it down the toilet along with the rest of cronyism.
Find a life loser!!”

Analysis: Now I know why I support waterboarding, the use of predator drones, and rendition.

[email protected]

I cant believe you lie about Mitt.   He is horrible flipflopping religious idiot.  I would much rather have a president who admits he had a healthy college life and experienced what most of us have.   Plus he graduated from an ivy leave college.  What has Mitt done?  Flipflopped on everything and worse his success in private sector was at the expense of the middle class.   HE assimilated companies and shipped jobs over seas.   Your pathetic news article should have never made it to the google page!  LAIR!”

Analysis: His email address reads “love don’t judge.” Then he goes on to spread hate in a judgmental manner. He ends his rant by calling me a “lair,” which I believe is a secret cave. If anybody besides Batman knows about underground caves and dwelling in them, it would be Paulbots in their parents’ basements typing this nonsense.

“The Front
[email protected]

How does it feel to be a failed journalist? Enjoy your Washington Times COMMUNITIES.  Bahahaha.”

Analysis: It feels terrible at the moment, but that is due to my going crazy with the hors douvres in the hospitality suite of this lovely hotel. I have to be more disciplined. I will feel better after slugging down some Pepto Bismol.
[email protected]

Son, you weren't born retarded, so what happened?

[email protected]

Did your mommy tell you that we are interested in your uneducated opinion? Do you actually get paid to not think?  Your comments are garbage and are presented as if they are worthwhile news.  Your manager should be fired immediately.”

Analysis: My mother? Really? I am surprised these geniuses did not make a remark about combat boots. 10 year olds should not be allowed to surf the internet unsupervised.

So when I say that too many people in the Ron Paul movement are a bunch of worthless scuzzbuckets, here are yet plenty more examples. I say send these college kids to Iran and see how quickly they mouth off. It is easy to be brave in America when hiding behind fake screen names and email addresses.

They are like Charlie Sheen on a cocaine binge. They think they are “winning” by typing these insults. Meanwhile, the rest of the world goes on without them, as civilized Republicans rally around Mitt Romney.

Paulbots, I publish your hate mail when I am too lazy to write an original column

I will say it again. Dear Paulbots…You don’t matter.

These are Paulbots in their natural habitat. This is how they behave.

Somebody get these simians some bananas.


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