May Hate Mail

Here is some of my May Hate Mail:

“Kevin Herbert
[email protected]


I wonder which planet you're living on.

The idea that criticism of  the successive race supremacist Israeli Governments is anti semitic, (or the necons DC attack dogs AIPAC) went out of fashion globally say, 5 or so years ago.

Get over it…..the Zionist lobby in the US is feeling a torch to its belly for the first time ever…and it's not going to fade ever 'cos most of it is coming from the US Jewish community itself.

There's change coming BIG TIME for US Jews.”

Analysis: Anti-Semites is as anti-Semites does.

“Concerned Reader
[email protected]


It seems like you're sucking an invisible dick in your profile and I'm concerned.  How do you respond to these allegations?  We cannot move forward until you address them.  It would go a long way toward your image if you would go on television and explain your stance on sucking invisible dicks in profile pictures on shitty blogs.

And that is what your article reads like.



Analysis: Liberals and Paulbots…sick, sick fantasies about me.

Tod Lewis
[email protected]

Why does every article written by the Washington Times have a negative headline when you do decide to write about Dr. Paul?
I don't even bother reading it. But you do reinforce one thing. You are a bunch of ASSES!”

Analysis: I write negative headlines claiming Paulbots are imbeciles because Paulbots like these send me emails like these and come across as imbeciles. Also, the Donkeys are Democrats. I am an Elephant.

David Clearman
[email protected]

Are you out of your effing mind?   Ms. Rosen was pointing out that if Mittens is relying on anne to advise him on the issues that matter to women, she is singularly unqualified to give opinions about  EARNING a living while raising kids and being a wife and mother.  As usual, you right wing apologists completely missed this, and went of on a tear about bashing "stay at home moms" and womens "choices".  For you to insert your fanatasies about Ms. Rosens perceived jealousies relating to "not having it all" (that childless, lesbian ball breaker) is ridiculous, as is your entire argument.  Thinking people understand the point Ms. Rosen was trying to make, and think the rights response is typical: freak out on a tangent, get the Faux "news" talking A-Team frothing at the mouth, and, as usual, act like the aggrieved and injured parties.  What a joke.”

Analysis: Anne Romney is still lovely and pleasant and Hilary Rosen is still homely, disgusting and vile. I am not sure why this is so complicated to grasp.

Andrea Broding
[email protected]

That was a very personal attack that you made on Ms. Rosen. You make a lot of assumptions, which are just mere conjecture on your part. Again, as a male, you really don't have a clue about the issues you are discussing.”

Analysis: If Hilary Rosen had kept her hateful trap shut I would not have to point out that she should keep her hateful trap shut.  The same goes for this commenter.

[email protected]

Yeah, hi Eric.

I was just wondering about "It is time to immediately be good soldiers and fall into line".

Do they pay you for writing such stuff or is that your true conviction? I mean like, wow. Does it hurt a lot?

Sorry to see that you are stuck in such an environment but perhaps you can find a way out. Who knows. Everyone needs to start somewhere, right?”

Analysis: Gutless cowards pretending to work for the Obama White House have nothing to say. Then again, if this really did come from the Obama White House, my comment should be doubled.
Marcos Hardy
[email protected]

In my circle of friends we have an ongoing discussion. We do not seem to agree and you might clarify this conundrum.
The question is, are you in person as stupid as you write? Some of us say that no different, some say more.
Please, help us decide.”

Analysis: This fellow took time to comment. If he had somebody who loved him he would be spending time with them.

[email protected]

Censorship huh? Bravo sir, the left last refuge of denial.”

Analysis: There is a Constitutional right to be an imbecile, but that right does not extend to commenting on my message boards reflecting that. Civilization requires a society remove its trash, hence my removing your comment.

Christopher R. Collopy
[email protected]

Could I get this as poster while wearing Santa suit or Uncle Sam/NO Red INK shirt outside 2 political conv. this yr.????”

Analysis: I do not possess the special rabbit ears to understand what liberals and Paulbots say.

[email protected]
What makes you think the race is over? Why are you spewing out bullshit lies? Quit trying to make Romney look better than he is. Your "unofficial" delegate results are terrible. Sorry to busy your bubble but Ron Paul is not out of the race. Get your facts straight

Ron Paul 2012!!”

Analysis: Whatever hallucinogens this guy is on, Eric Holder should stop bothering innocent Americans, kick in this guy’s door, and take his keyboard. Some people really do not deserve civil liberties, especially if they cannot be civil.

[email protected]

Nice article on Mitt Romney being the Republican nominee. Do you realize how the nomination process works? Dr. Ron Paul has won Iowa and Minnesota. He is the one picking up ACTUAL delegates in the delegate process, not the straw poll results.
It'll be fun come RNC time in Tampa when you have to eat your words!
Keep on sipping more of the mainstream media juice buddy!”

Analysis: Paulbot…boring…’nuff said.

David Williams
[email protected]

If you are undecided…you're an imbecile. You either believe in LIBERTY or you don't. Only 1 candidate espouses liberty…I bet even you can figure out who that candidate is.”

Analysis: Paulbots are the masters at outreach. I was so close to being persuaded by their tact and charm.

[email protected]

Private Golub,

So you support pre-emptive war huh?  I'm surprised you haven't volunteered for the infantry.  You probably didn't know how to jump in the fight.

Here's the address of an Army Recruiting Battalion:  United States Army, Los Angeles Recruiting Battalion, 6337 Balboa Blvd., Encino, CA 91316

This weekend you need to shave your face, cut your hair to an 1/8 of an inch, and get your affairs in order.  Monday at 0630 report to the LA Recruiting Battalion with valid ID, birth certificate, social security card, and a black ink pen.

And don't let anybody talk you out of this because you're older than the average recruit.  The Army is currently talking new recruits up to 44 years of age.

In 6 months you can be runnin and gunnin in the mountains of Afghanistan.  That is if you're a man.

Keep your head down and your gun up!

I'll see you there or in the desert private,

Analysis: My father served and he thinks you are an imbecile. My role is to keep the American streets on the internet clean from garbage like your response. Shrug.
[email protected]

Yeah, hi Eric.

I was just wondering about "It is time to immediately be good soldiers and fall into line".

Do they pay you for writing such stuff or is that your true conviction? I mean like, wow. Does it hurt a lot?

Sorry to see that you are stuck in such an environment but perhaps you can find a way out. Who knows. Everyone needs to start somewhere, right?”

Analysis: Nobody pays you for your comments because you don’t matter. I guess they pay me because I do. Sorry. That’s the way it is. The cream rises and the cr@pola sinks.

Stan Preftokis
[email protected]

You do realize that no major poll has Romney ahead in  the Electoral College vote at this time.


Huffington give Obama the lead at:         Obama    288
Romney  170
L.A. Times  lists:                                      Obama    196
Romney  180
Real Clear Politics                                   Obama    253
Romney  170

To be sure, different polls are making different evaluations as to which states are still in play, but nobody is giving Romney the lead at this point.

Which polls are you using,  Rasmussen (;-)  or Fox News (:-) ?”

Analysis: This fellow gets his info from the Huffington Post and the LA Times. Those sources are like Al-Jazeera except with more bias.

Say it with me everybody: These are liberals and Paulbots. This is how they behave.


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