2008 Republican Convention–Meeting Fred Thompson

I had the pleasure of meeting Senator Fred Thompson at the 2008 Republican Convention in Minneapolis. He was speaking at a blogger brunch. Later that evening he gave a stemwinder for John McCain that would have made Zell Miller proud.

I first met Fred Thompson in October of 2007 at the Republican Jewish Coalition 2008 Candidates Forum.


I asked him a tough question, and his answer was brilliant. I then took a picture with him and his wife.

Although I was not an original Fred head, I absolutely respected him as a top tier candidate.


His remarks to the blogger brunch were fabulous.

“Politics makes you long for the sincerity of Hollywood.”

“Will I serve in a John McCain administration? I can’t answer that at this time.”

“Being a community organizer must be very important. It might be equal to being Governor of a State.”

“Who says you don’t get experience by being a Senator? Has anybody observed the gallery?”

“The media gives a pass to Senators. Being a Senator does not give you any Foriegn Relations experience or any Foreign Policy experience.”

“As for Sarah Palin, she does not have experience making wrong decisions about Iraq. She does not have experience making wrong decisions about the surge. It was Joe Biden that had a three state solution that was wrong.”

“The media understands William Ayers. How smart do you have to be to understand that bombing the U.S. Capital is wrong?”

“Obama’s educational policies are a waste. They are a waste of money, and we pay for it.”

After his speech I let him know that I was at the RJC Candidates Forum, and that I appreciated his staunch and unwavering support of Israel.

I spoke with his legislative aide about setting up an interview, which hopefully will come through.

As enjoyable as he was with the bloggers, the red meat he offered during his prime time convention speech reminded me how much I liked him. He nailed it perfectly.

“What is going on in the Gulf  Coast is important, but so is this convention. This is about electing the next President.”

“We are the strongest, freest, most prosperous nation in history.”

“Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air. She is a small town girl with small town values, which is not good enough for some. Others attack her family.”

“She governed, while others sat around on the Sunday talk shows.”

“The other side is in a state of panic.  She is not afraid of upsetting the establishment.  Does that sound like anyone else?”

“She is the only one I know to take down a moose. Well, except for maybe Teddy Roosevelt.”

“Forget alligators getting irritated. John McCain and Sarah Palin will drain the swamp.”

“Barack Obama doesn’t want to tax people. He only wants to tax businesses.” So unless you buy something from a business, such as food, fuel, or medicine…or work for and collect a paycheck from a business…don’t worry, it won’t affect you.”

“Look at John’s 96 year old mother Roberta McCain. had she been captured, the North Vietnamese would have surrendered.”

“John McCain had rebellious parents. I bet you can see where this is going.”

“He broke his dad’s record for demerits, not realizing this may not be seen as a good thing. Yet even as the leader of a rebellion, he never violated the honor code despite the demerits.”

“If you want to know what John McCain values, just look at the men in the military today.”

“We hear about hope. John McCain knows about hope. That was all he had.”

“When ordered by his captors to give up the other men in his squadron, John McCain gave his captors the names of the offensive line of the Green Bay Packers.”

“His bones were broken, but his spirit never was.”

“Being a POW doesn’t qualify a man to be President, but it does reveal character.”

“Civilizations since the beginning of time have sought this type of character in a leader.”

“The question must be asked of all who seek the office. Who is this man? Can we trust him to seek the Presidency?”

“John McCain went to Iraq to seek the truth, not publicity. He said no to President Reagan on Beirut. That’s character you can believe in.”

“He has worldwide respect, not a teleprompter speech to our critics abroad.”

“We stand with John McCain. We salute him.”

I salute Fred Thompson. He would make a fine Attorney General in a McCain administration. Then again, as he reminds us, given how beautiful and friendly politics can be, he might just opt for the safe, cozy, and kind existence of Hollywood.

I hope not. America needs top caliber people, and Fred Thompson stands tall in the saddle.


4 Responses to “2008 Republican Convention–Meeting Fred Thompson”

  1. Laree says:

    Meet the Real Sarah Palin blog, has a poll about the pig and lipstick comment, you can vote here.


  2. Awww… Did the wittle Elephants get there wittle feewings hurt?

    “Lipstick on a pig” is an popular colloquial expression that’s been around for ages. Grow up and get over it.


  3. Micky 2 says:

    It was stupid and a sublime way to refer back to Palins lipstick comment which has been her highlighted comment for a week now.
    I think he knew exactly what he was saying. The laughter and whoooing coming from the audience did not sound like that coming from a discussion over policy.

    His campaign advisors should of told him not to go with the word lipstick.

    Maybe they did inform him of the connection it would bring and he decided to go with it anyway ?
    Stupid, either way you look at it.

    Shall we talk about Obama abusing McCains 100 years in Iraq comment ?

    And how Obama milked that for weeks ?

    Saying that McCain wants to fight in Iraq for 100 years ?

    Yea Jersey, theres a million colloquial expressions, its all in the timing, audience, circumstance and delivery.

    The question is not so much if he hurt anyones feelings, its his childish denial and not at least saying “I’m sorry if that lead anyone to believe I was talking about Palin” or ” I didnt mean any offense”

    But nah, he just came riding in on his horse this morning and said he wanted to talk about the last “made up ” controversy.

    Well, trust me, he doesnt want to go onto the “made up” department.
    Hes made up quite a bunch of crap himself.

    Besides that, shes already been referd to as a pig by none other than


    Tell me that whole post is a colloquial phrase !!!!

  4. Micky 2 says:

    Whoa ! That was quick !
    They took that page D O W N !!!
    man, they dont want anyone seeing that Elizabeth Berry post

    But Michelle Malkin gots it right there for us all to see.


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