Liberals and Sopranos–a buildup to nothingness

Bada boom. Bada Bing. Bada who the hell cares. There. I just summed up an entire series on television. The three or four times I watched this program it was boring, with one episode about guys threatening to kill each other since one guy said another guy’s wife’s hide was fat. Not since third grade, when one kid insulted another kid’s mother, has such intelligent discussion taken place. Last night, I watched an hour (so I would know what everyone was talking about, including my parents) of discussions that led to a good song by Journey and onion rings that most likely tasted delicious. I suspect Tony Soprano dies of either cholesterol problems or boredom from the script. To quote Billy Crystal, “Bada boom, Bada Bing, Betty Boop.”

Now when television promises and does not deliver, choosing to waste my time with nonsense, I can live with that. It is not real life. However, when my government, in this case democrats in congress, waste my time and tax dollars over complete and utter useless pursuits, I have to stand up and wonder when we can send the clowns back from where they came.

“Senate Democrats said Friday that they intended to bring a no-confidence resolution against Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales to a vote on Monday, a symbolic maneuver that could be their final effort to force his ouster. Democrats privately acknowledged that the nonbinding measure appeared to have little chance of passage, largely because they are unlikely to marshal the 60 supporters they need to limit debate and bring the resolution itself to a vote.”

Thus declareth the Jayson Blair Times, the newspaper of record for turning irrelevancies into top stories while relegating insignicant nuisances such as plots to blow up JFK airport to I believe the lifestyle section of the paper next to “27 ways to tell if your wife spends too much time reading lists.”

The only entity that matches the sheer brilliance of the Jayson Blair Times is the democratic congress itself. Actually, covering the democratic congress is proof that the JBT has nothing better to write about, unless nonevents are front page news.

So if I understand what our warm furry liberal friends are up to, they are trying to issue a nonbinding resolution that tells the Attorney General that they do not like him. Great. People who dislike George W. Bush also dislike members of his cabinet, especially when they are his friends. Call the presses, this is a live story. Now apparently the democrats do not have the votes to end debate. So they are failing to issue this resolution.

Ok, when did a story about congress failing to do something meaningless become news? I failed to make time during my lunch break today to call my dentist to tell him I am too busy to set up an appointment. I should email my friends and family immediately.

Now should the democrats actually succeed in getting enough votes, they will have succeeded in passing a nonbinding resolution. President Bush will rightly ignore it. Does this demagogic party stand for anything?

First it was nonbinding resolutions on the Iraq War. Then when it came to actually issuing concrete legislation, they deferred to the President, rightly so. Now they are unable to pass anything remotely resembling a policy. Why should they be trusted with anything that matters, when they are proving that they would rather spend time on items that do not matter at all? In addition, if they cannot even succeed on dealing with irrelevant issues, how can they be expected to deal with anything relevant, say for example, Islamofacists wanting to kill us?

Congress works three days a week. This is what they get paid for? Now I know many conservatives are delighted that the democrats are debating nonsense because it distracts the congress from enacting policies, which would make things worse. It is better, according to this logic, to have a useless congress, than a harmful congress.

This argument is not without significant merit, but it has one flaw. These legislators are not volunteers. They are paid, and rather handsomely, with my tax dollars. I am giving them money against my will to debate issues that have no chance of becoming passed, and if actually passed, will not matter.

Why not just storm Mr. Gonzales’s office, and ask him if he likes the President. If he says yes, shake him upside down until he promises not to like him any more. After all, this Alberto Gonzales issue has nthing to do with him. Nor do the assaults on Scooter Libby or Paul Wolfowitz have anything to do with them. People with Bush Derangement syndrome simply hate the President. They hate his guts, and short of floggig him in the town square, followed by a tar and feathering session, nothing will satisfy them.

Again, those who say that the right wing did this to the Clintonistas , thereby making it acceptable, keep deliberately overlooking the fact that the Clintonistas actually are and were corrupt (Watch your back Mr. Obama, they are coming for you next). The liberals’ anger (redundant, I know) over Mr. Bush’s refusal to be corrupt has left them with no other choice but to destroy his cabinet. I hope Vice President Cheney does not have any overdue library books, or there will be Pelosi to pay.

The left is angry that Mr. Bush had the nerve to fire employees that he can fire just because he d@mn well pleases to do so. The left will be even angrier when their politicians continue to knuckle under to the President, and then find themselves being fired by enraged Deaniacs (knuckle draggers themselves) who truly want the war against republicans to be the main issue in our lives. Failure by democrats to be hateful neough will lead to their undoing, and being too hateful will be their undoing. What are poor politicans to do?

The answer is what conservatives, although briefly forgetting, have been doing for decades…developing ideas…promoting policies…getting those policies enacted into laws…and enforcing those laws.

Or the left can do what it does best…pass nonbinding resolutions, or in this case…fail to accomplish even that.

Somebody give these left wing vegan clowns a helping of hamburgers and onion rings. Don’t get up or do anything useful. Sit there, stuff your faces, and say meaningless things like bada boom and bada bing, until the voters put you out of your nonaccomplishing, idea lacking misery.


2 Responses to “Liberals and Sopranos–a buildup to nothingness”

  1. nytexan says:

    I really enjoy your style of writing. Yes I have put you on my blog roll, even though you touch on areas that are not completely political, but very refreshing.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and making yourself know. Good luck and keep up the great job. If you feel my blog would fit your blog roll please add mine.

  2. Vegan’s are cute…though they smell funny, and look pale.

    I’m wishing a meat eater could do to them what they do to us. Imagine, going into a store and seeing “broccoli, and carrots” but it turns out it’s really processed flavored beef!

    Take that as revenge for Tofurkey and Garden burgers! Fool me once, same on me, fool me twice…EAT THE FLESH OF A MAMMAL!!!!

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